Posts By: S. Lewis Johnson

S. Lewis Johnson

The First Divine Institution

The Scripture reading for today as we begin our study in the book of Genesis is, Genesis chapter 1 verse 1 and verse 2 and then I want to read two other brief passages from the remainder of the Bible.

The Creation of the World

Genesis 1: 1-2, various

Dr. S. Lewis Johnson begins his exposition of the first Book of the Bible by expounding the verses of Genesis which describe God's creative power in eternity.

Gideon and the Call of God

Judges 6:11-40

Dr. S. Lewis Johnson begins his exposition of Gideon the Judge by expounding his encounter with the angel of the Lord. Dr. Johnson conveys general themes of the Book of Judges in this introduction.

Gideon’s Three Hundred

Judges 7:1-25

Dr. S. Lewis Johnson gives exposition on God's selection of Gideon's small band of defenders of Israel.

The Backslider

Judges 8:1-32

Dr. S. Lewis Johnson concludes his series on Gideon the judge with commentary on how the servant of God faltered even after his great victory over the Midianites.

Prayer Proclamation

1 Kings 16:21-17:6

Dr. S. Lewis Johnson introduces his study on Elijah the Prophet. Dr. Johnson presents the raw faith of a man inspired by God to confront the disobedient and corrupt King of Israel, Ahab.

The House of Bondage

Exodus 1: 1-22

Dr. S. Lewis Johnson introduces his series on Israel's passage "From Egypt to Canaan." Dr. Johnson comments on the genocide, bondage and suffering that was inflicted upon the Israelites.

The Voice of God’s First Prophet to Our Dying World

Genesis 4: 1-8

Dr. S. Lewis Johnson expounds the sacrifices of Cain and Abel.

The Light of the World

Genesis 1:3-5

Dr. S. Lewis Johnson expounds the creation of light by God.

Creation Continued

Genesis 1:6-19

Dr. S. Lewis Johnson continues his study of God's creation of the universe. Criticism is provided of the different views of the world's origin.

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