The Son of God
Luke 1:26-30
Dr. S. Lewis Johnson expounds the meaning of the title, Son of God.
The Man Christ Jesus: The Peculiarities
Luke 1:26-38
Dr. S. Lewis Johnson discusses the things that are true of Jesus Christ as the God-man, but are not true of human beings.
Jesus: No Sweeter Sound than Thy Blest Name
Dr. S. Lewis Johnson begins a comprehensive series on Christology. Dr. Johnson sets forth the Scripture texts which detail the nature and purpose of Christ. In this lesson, Dr. Johnson gives exposition on the meaning of the Messiah's name given to him on earth.
The Christ, the Anointed Messiah
John 20:30-31
Dr. S. Lewis Johnson expounds the meaning of Christ's identity as "the Messiah."
The New Testament Picture of the Messiah
Matthew 16:13-20
Dr. S. Lewis Johnson gives commentary on how Jesus of Nazareth was recognized as the Messiah in the New Testament.
Son of Man
Daniel 7:13-14
Dr. S. Lewis Johnson comments on the term "Son of man" used in reference to the Messiah. Dr. Johnson explains the Old Testament foundation of the term.
The Johannine Prologue: The Silence Broken – I
John 1:1-5
Dr. S. Lewis Johnson conducts a sub-series on the nature of Christ as revealed in the opening verses of the Gospel of John. Dr. Johnson expounds the term "logos."
The Johannine Prologue: The Silence Broken – II
John 1:6-18
Dr. S. Lewis Johnson continues his exposition on the divine purpose of Christ as set forth in the first verses of John's gospel. Dr. Johnson discusses how the promise of Christ is transferred to those who are his children.
The Johannine Prologue: The Silence Broken – III
John 1:1-18
Dr. S. Lewis Johnson expounds the Gospel of John description of Christ become flesh according to God's plan.
The Johannine Prologue: The Silence Broken – IV
John 1:1-18
Dr. S. Lewis Johnson concludes his series on God's incarnation through Christ as related in the opening verses of the Gospel of John.