Gospel of John

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The Eleventh Commandment

John 13:31-35

Dr. S. Lewis Johnson expounds Christ's command to his disciples that they love one another.

Three Puzzled Persons

John 13:36

Dr. S. Lewis Johnson gives exposition on the reactions of Peter, Thomas and Philip during the Upper Room Discourse.

The Promise of the Paraclete

John 14:12-21

Dr. S. Lewis Johnson gives commentary on Jesus' great promises to his disciples after he is gone, including the coming of the Holy Spirit.

Our Heart, God’s Home

John 14:22-24

Dr. S. Lewis Johnson discusses Jesus' words concerning God's new presence in the lives of those who follow him.


John 14:25-31

Dr. S. Lewis Johnson continues his exposition of the Upper Room Discourse with additional commentary on Jesus' promise of the Holy Spirit.

Rejoice Ye Pure in Heart

John 15:1

Dr. S. Lewis Johnson continues his exposition of the Upper Room Discourse with a discussion of Jesus' metaphor of himself as the True Vine.

The Believer in the World – John

John 15:18

Dr. S. Lewis Johnson expounds Jesus' words in the Upper Room Discourse concerning how followers of him will be treated by the world.

The Spirit and the World

John 16:5-11

Dr. S. Lewis Johnson expounds Jesus' words about how the Holy Spirit will work ahead of the disciples in convicting the world.

The Spirit and the Believer – John

John 16:12 & 15; 1 Cor. 2:14

Dr. S. Lewis Johnson expounds Jesus' teachings and encouragement to his disciples about how the Holy Spirit will empower them after he has returned to the Father.

The Outcome of the Resurrection

John 16:16-24

Dr. S. Lewis Johnson expounds Jesus' words to his disciples concerning his departure from them.


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