Miscellaneous Topics

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A New Heart for the New Year


Dr. S. Lewis Johnson uses New Year's Day 1990 to give a message of the salvation through Christ which comes from a conviction of one's impure heart. Dr. Johnson conveys both the conviction and hope of Jesus' beattude from the Sermon on the Mount.

Offspring of the Virgin’s Womb


Dr. S. Lewis Johnson expounds Christ's virgin birth, providing criticism of modernist, feminist views concerning the miracle.

The Deficiencies of the Disciples’ Faith


Dr. S. Lewis Johnson gives exposition to the question, Who Was Jesus Christ? using the calming of the storm by Jesus while crossing the Sea of Galilee.

Phoebe: Servant of the Church

Romans 16:1-2

Dr. S. Lewis Johnson gives commentary on the life of Phoebe, the follower of Christ mentioned by Paul the Apostle.

Christian Contentment, or Doxology in Desolation

Phil. 4:6-7

Dr. S. Lewis Johnson expounds Paul's simple admonition, "Be anxious for nothing."

The Tonic of Life’s Immensities

2 Timothy 1:8-11

Dr. S. Lewis Johnson gives commentary on the Apostle Paul's hope while imprisoned for the gospel.

Thanks Be Unto God For His Unspeakable Gift

2 Corinthians 9:1-15

Dr. S. Lewis Johnson expounds the way in which Paul described his service to God.

If It Were Not So

John 14:1-3

Dr. S. Lewis Johnson gives commentary on Christ's words of comfort to his disciples regarding their lives after death.

Faith and the Night of the Tempest

Luke 8:22-25

Dr. S. Lewis Johnson expounds Jesus' calming of the storm on the Sea of Galilee.

Eternal Life – A Gift Not Earned

Matthew 19:16-26

Dr. S. Lewis Johnson expounds Christ's words to the Rich Young Ruler about how to obtain eternal life.


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