The Struggle
Romans 7:13-25
Dr. S. Lewis Johnson expounds the Apostle Paul's famous expression of struggling with the sinful nautre.
Power of the Indwelling Spirit
Romans 8:1-4
Dr. S. Lewis Johnson gives exposition of the Apostle Paul's exhortation to newness of life in Christ.
Life by the Spirit, part II
Romans 8:5-17
Dr. S. Lewis Johnson continues his commentary on Paul's teachings about life by the law of the Spirit and how sanctification for the believer comes not by legalistic actions but through a life of faith.
Three Groanings for Glory
Romans 8:18-27
Dr. S. Lewis Johnson expounds Paul's doctrine of glorification.
The Divine Purpose
Romans 8:28-30
Dr. S. Lewis Johnson comments on the Aposlte Paul's teachings about election.
God For Us, or No Separation
Romans 8:31-39
Dr. S. Lewis Johnson expounds Paul's greatest comfort and hope as a follower of Christ.
Christ Over All
Romans 9:1-5
Dr. S. Lewis Johnson discusses Paul's lament over the rejection of Christ Jesus by his Hebrew kinsmen.
Distinguishing Grace
Romans 9:6-13
Dr. S. Lewis Johnson continues his exposition on the doctrine of election as illustrated by God's promise of salvation to both Jews and Gentiles.
Wrath Vessels, Mercy Vessels
Romans 9:14-33
Dr. S. Lewis Johnson expounds Paul's teachings on the true relationship of the created to the Creator.
Christ, the End of the Law
Romans 10:1-4
Dr. S. Lewis Johnson comments on how salvation apart from any human actions is the burning question of the Apostle Paul's letter to the Roman Christians.