Your Search: angels

The Glorious Destiny of the Redeemed

Revelation 21, 22

Dr. S. Lewis Johnson concludes his early series on the foundational concepts of the Christian faith with commentary on the future events affecting the ultimate purpose of those who believe in Christ Jesus.

The Kingdom of God upon the Earth

Revelation 20:4-6; Isaiah 11:1-10

Dr. S. Lewis Johnson gives exposition on the differing views of how Christ's kingdom will be organized on earth after his return. The biblical doctrine of the rapture of the church is explained.

The Secret Wisdom of God

1 Corinthians 2:6-13

Dr. S. Lewis Johnson expounds what Paul meant as the mystery of the kingdom of God and the conveyance of the Old Testament promises to Gentiles.

The Salvation, Assurance and Safety of the Redeemed

Romans 3:21-26

Dr. S. Lewis Johnson explains the comprehensive meaning of grace.

The Crisis of History: The First Advent of Jesus Christ

Matthew 1:18-25

Dr. S. Lewis Johnson gives exposition on the arrival of God's Son among humans for the first time as part of his plan of redemption.

The Garden of Eden, or the Fall of Man

Genesis 3:1-7

Dr. S. Lewis Johnson expounds the failure of man to believe God's word in the Garden of Eden.

Divine Providence, or What About Miracles?


Dr. S. Lewis Johnson concludes his study of the doctrine of divine providence by detailing the bibilical nature of miracles and their purpose in support of God's sovereignty.

Divine Providence, or Has God Lost His Grip on Things?


Dr. S. Lewis Johnson begins a three-part sub-series on the doctrine of the providence of God.

The Cause, or Ground of Justification by Grace


Dr. S. Lewis Johnson expounds upon the process of justification by grace. Dr. Johnson explains the three imputations that occur with respect to mankind's fall from and reconciliation with God.

Part V

Dr. S. Lewis Johnson concludes his lectures on modified or modernistic interpretations of Calvinist doctrines. Dr. Johnson explains the faulty exegesis of Amyraldianism.