Your Search: Trinity

The Messiah’s Year of Public Favor, part II


Dr. S. Lewis Johnson continues an examination of Jesus' second year of ministry with commentary on those first recorded miracles which specify his Messiahship.

The Messiah’s Year of Public Favor, part I


Dr. S. Lewis Johnson expounds the revelation of Jesus of Nazareth as the Messiah during his second year of ministry. In this first part, Dr. Johnson discusses the Galilean ministry.

Paul on Moses and the Veil

2 Corinthians 3: 12-16

Dr. S. Lewis Johnson continues his exposition of Paul's analogy of the glory of gospel ministry with Moses' encounter with Yahweh on Mt. Sinai.

The Messiah’s Year of Obscurity

John 1:19-3:36

Dr. S. Lewis Johnson gives exposition on the first year of Jesus' ministry recorded by John the Apostle.

The Creation of the World

Genesis 1:1-2

Dr. S. Lewis Johnson sets forth the essential doctrines of Creation.

The Holy Trinity

Matthew 28:19-20

Dr. S. Lewis Johnson gives a straightforward apologetic of the doctrine of the triune God.

The Attributes of God, part III

Isaiah 6:1-8

Dr. S. Lewis Johnson gives exposition of those attributes of God which are able to be known in part by human beings.

Ministers of the New Covenant

2 Corinthians 3: 1-6

Dr. S. Lewis Johnson continues his exposition of Paul's description and defense of service to the Lord Jesus.

The Attributes of God, part II

Exodus 3:1-15

Dr. S. Lewis Johnson continues with a concise version of exposition on the attributes of God. In this lesson, God's immutability is discussed.

Not Vaciliation, but Sincere Consideration

2 Corinthians 1: 12 - 2: 4

Dr. S. Lewis Johnson discusses Paul's sincerity as a minister of God's word.