Your Search: Covenant of Redemption

Israel and the Manna

Exodus 16: 1-36

Dr. S. Lewis Johnson continues his typical exposition of the Exodus of Israel from Egypt by commenting on the symbolism of the manna.

The Pillar of Cloud and Fire

Exodus 13: 17-22: Numbers 9:15-23

Dr. S. Lewis Johnson explains the divine significance of the pillar which guided the Nation Israel out of Egypt towards Canaan.

Part XI

Ephesians 3:1-13

Dr. S. Lewis Johnson continues his discussion of how those who came to faith in the Messiah after his crucifixion, the church, now share in Israel's blessing. Dr. Johnson explains the difference between Hebrew salvation as an individual and as a nation.

A Renewed Commission

Exodus 6: 2-9

Dr. S. Lewis Johnson expounds how God teaches Moses about his character amidst the sufferings of the Israelites.

Part V

Jeremiah 31:31-34; Amos 9:11-15; Luke 1:67-75

Dr. S. Lewis Johnson expounds the Scripture passages that succeed Moses' writings which point specifically to the Redeemer seed of the woman.

Moses, Aaron and Pharaoh: the First Round

Exodus 4: 27-6: 1

Dr. S. Lewis Johnson discusses the first confrontation between Israel's deliverer and Pharaoh.

Part III

Genesis 6:5-7, 11:1-9, 12:1-3, 15:1-21

Dr. S. Lewis Johnson continues his exposition of God's plan for mankind through history with the example of the Tower of the Babel and the call of Abraham.

Part II

Genesis 3:1-24

Dr. S. Lewis Johnson expounds the Genesis account of the Fall of Man and the essential role of man and his will in the story of God's plan of redemption.

Part I

Genesis 1:1

Dr. S. Lewis Johnson introduces a thorough version of God's plan of human salvation as found in the history and prophecy of Scripture with an exposition of the promised seed after the Creation and Fall of Man.

The Seat of the Scornful in the Day of Salvation

Isaiah 66:1-24

Dr. S. Lewis Johnson concludes his series on the Messianic prophecies contained in the Book of Isaiah with exposition on the ultimate destiny of those who are disobedient.