Your Search: Trinity

Intimacies of the Divine Fellowship

Genesis 18:1-33

Dr. S. Lewis Johnson describes the direct encounter of Sarah and Abraham with the pre-incarnate Messiah. Dr. Johnson also comments on Abraham's prayer that any righteous in Sodom be spared.

Paul at Antioch: Biblical Evangelism

Acts 13:14-41

Dr. S. Lewis Johnson details the Apostle Paul's core beliefs in ministering the gospel message.

From Antioch to the World

Acts 11:27-30

Dr. S. Lewis Johnson expounds the earliest stage of Paul's ministry and describes the spiritual functioning of the early church.

Lure of Invisible and Abram’s Choice

Genesis 13:1-18

Dr. S. Lewis Johnson provides exposition on the separation of Abram with his nephew, Lot.

The Conversion of Paul

Acts 9:1-9

Dr. S. Lewis Johnson expounds the coversion of Paul on the road to Damascus. Dr. Johnson discusses how the event served to provide the apostle with a fundamental understanding of God's election and process of salvation.

Man’s Spirit and God’s Sovereignty

Genesis 11:1-9

Dr. S. Lewis Johnson explains "the spirit of Babylon."

The Early Years – II: The Man of Jerusalem

Acts 22:31, 26:5

Dr. S. Lewis Johnson continues his exposition on the early life of Paul. Dr. Johnson provides details about the apostle's theological education in the school of Gamaliel.

The Universal Covenant

Genesis 9:1-17

Dr. S. Lewis Johnson gives exposition of Noah's sacrifice to God after the flood and God's subsequent promise to him.

Paradise Lost, but Regainable!

Genesis 3:20-24

Dr. S. Lewis Johnson goes into further detail about God's judgment of Adam's sin in the Garden of Eden. God's promise of a future redemption is expounded, and the symbolism between God's provision after man's Fall and Christ's sacrifice on Calvary is examined.

Man and the Cultural Mandate

Genesis 1:20-2:3

Dr. S. Lewis Johnson teaches on God's command that man subdue the earth. Dr. Johnson also explains the origin of the doctrine of the Trinity.