The New Covenant and Prophecy, part I
Jeremiah 31:31-34
Dr. S. Lewis Johnson begins a four-part series on the covenant of God with man, specifically the church in the modern age. Dr. Johnson expounds the origin of the "new covenant" in the prophecy of Jeremiah.
The New Covenant and Prophecy, part II
Matthew 26:26-29
Dr. S. Lewis Johnson discusses the reference to the New Covenant by Christ during the Last Passover supper.
The New Covenant and Prophecy, part III
Hebrews 8:1-13
Dr. S. Lewis Johnson continues his exposition of the New Covenant and its relationship to future events, notably the fulfillment of Christ's priesthood and its relationship to the Hebrew people.
The New Covenant and Prophecy, part IV
Romans 11
Dr. S. Lewis Johnson concludes the series of lessons that reveal the prophetic impact of the New Covenant relationship between God and man.