Systematic Theology


The Existence, Personality and Nature of Satan

Job 6; Matthew 4

Dr. S. Lewis Johnson begins a subset of his series on Systematic Theology on Angelology by discussing the fallen chief of angelic beings, Satan.

War in Heaven (Who Sinned First?)

Ezekiel 28:1-19

Dr. S. Lewis Johnson expounds an Old Testament passage that details Satan's angelic glory before he fell and became influential against God on earth.

The Nature of Sin in Satan

Isaiah 14

Dr. S. Lewis Johnson continues his series on angelology with a focus on the exact nature of sin and its origination in the fall of Satan.

Satan’s Co-workers (The Evil Angels)


Dr. S. Lewis Johnson discusses the demons.

The Origin, Personality and Nature of Man (What is Man?)

Genesis 1:26,27,31 2:4-7

Dr. S. Lewis Johnson interjects a message on the nature of man into his series on angelology, contrasting the personalities of God's created order.

The Fall of Man, part I

Genesis 2:8-17

Dr. S. Lewis Johnson begins exposition on Man's fall from God in the Garden of Eden. Dr. Johnson explains the impact of the Fall on creation and history and goes into detail about Eve's encounter with the serpent.

The Fall of Man, part II

Genesis 3

Dr. S. Lewis Johnson continues his exposition the Fall of Man by discussing the nature, transmission and consequences of sin in mankind as a result of the Fall.

Review of the Fall of Man and Transmission of Sin


Dr. S. Lewis Johnson summarizes his series of lessons on how sin infected the human race as the result of Adam's disobedience in the Garden of Eden.

The Trail of the Serpent in the Old Testament


Dr. S. Lewis Johnson gives exposition on Satan's attempts to destroy the seed of the Redeemer through the Old Testament.

The Serpent in the Life of the Son of Man


Dr. S. Lewis Johnson teaches on the different encounters between Satan and Christ recorded in the gospels.