S. Lewis Johnson
Our Needs and Christ’s Power: Acts
Acts 9:32-46
Dr. S. Lewis Johnson expounds the miracles performed by the Apostle Peter.
The Imputation of Adam’s Sin of His Posterity
Romans 5:12-21
Dr. S. Lewis Johnson expounds the nature of sin and condemnation as the result of Adam's disobedience as the representative head of mankind.
Peter’s Blunder, or “Not so, Lord”: Acts
Acts 10:1-23
Dr. S. Lewis Johnson comments on Peter's vision of the unclean animals.
The Imputation of Human Sin to Jesus Christ
Galatians 3:10-14
Dr. S. Lewis Johnson explains the purpose of Christ in receiving the judgment reserverd for sinners.
Peter Preaching Justification by Faith: Acts
Acts 10:23-48
Dr. S. Lewis Johnson expounds Peter the Apostle's meeting with Cornelius the Gentile.
Abraham to the World! Acts
Acts 11:1-30
Dr. S. Lewis Johnson gives exposition on how the gospel spread to the first Gentiles through Peter.
The Imputation of God’s Righteousness to Believers
Romans 3:21-26
Dr. S. Lewis Johnson expounds how God assigns his righteousness through faith to the believer in Christ.
The God Who Smites, or Release and Retribution: Acts
Acts 12:1-25
Dr. S. Lewis Johnson expounds Peter's rescue from prison by the angel.
Antioch and the New Testament Church: Acts
Acts 13:1-4
Dr. S. Lewis Johnson gives exposition on the commissioning of Barnabas and Paul from the Antioch Christians. Dr. Johnson also observes how God worked in the organization of the early church.
The Cypriot Sorcerer Encounters God’s Magic: Acts
Acts 13:4-12
Dr. S. Lewis Johnson expounds Paul's first missionary journey to Cyprus.