S. Lewis Johnson
Divine Revelation in Scripture
Psalm 19:1-4
Dr. S. Lewis Johnson conducts an eight part series of study on the essential concepts of Christianity. In this first study, the doctrine and necessity of revealed truth from God is discussed.
Divine Creation
Genesis 1:1
Dr. S. Lewis Johnson expounds the essential presupposition to the Christian faith of the creation of the world and man's nature, given by God.
The Fall of Man and Human Inability
Genesis 3:1, John 6:44
Dr. S. Lews Johnson gives a concise exposition on man's sinfulness and his basic inability to affect his salvation from it.
Divine Redemption by Covenantal Representation
Romans 5:12-18
Dr. S. Lewis Johnson discusses the basic Christian doctrine of God's covenant with Adam and Christ as representatives of the human race.
Human Salvation by Soverign Grace
Romans 5:20-21
Dr. S. Lewis Johnson expounds the power of God's grace in saving humans.
The Divine Means of Receiving Divine Healing
Ephesians 2:8-10
Dr. S. Lewis Johnson expounds the true process of salvation by faith for those saved by God.
The Divine Purpose of the Ages
Romans 11:28-30
Dr. S. Lewis Johnson expounds how the gift of salvation is made available to all of God's chosen through Israel.
Eternal Judgment
Revelation 20:11-15
Dr. S. Lewis Johnson concludes his eight-part series on essential Christian doctrines with exposition on eternal judgment. Dr. Johnson comments on both the judgment of people upon their death as well as the future judgments by God after the return of the Messiah.
The Ideal, Material and Method of Systematic Theology
2 Timothy 3:14
Dr. S. Lewis Johnson introduces one of his comprehensive, signature series of lessons.
Is There a Supreme Being? or the Existence of God
Dr. S. Lewis Johnson teaches on question number one in theology.