Posts By: S. Lewis Johnson

S. Lewis Johnson

The Knowability of God, part I (Canst Thou by Searching Find Our God?)

Job 11:7

Dr. S. Lewis Johnson lays out how God may be comprehended in this first of two messages.

The Knowability of God, part II


Dr. S. Lewis Johnson continues his discussion of how God may be known by comparing and contrasting the different types of revelation. Dr. Johnson explains the preeminence of God's personal revelation through Scripture.

Revelation (Has Man a Word From God?)

John 1:18; 8:19 14:8-10

Dr. S. Lewis Johnson focuses on knowing God through divine revelation.

Inspiration (Is Every Word of the Bible True?)


Dr. S. Lewis Johnson gives detailed exposition on the inspiration of God's Word. Dr. Johnson carefully explains the meaning of infallibility and inerrancy.

Illumination (How Can I Understand the Bible?)

1 Corinthains 2:6

Dr. S. Lewis Johnson explains true illumination with respect to God's Word.

The Being, Names and Attributes of God, part I


Dr. S. Lewis Johnson begins a short series on both the divinely revealed and anthropomorphic ways God is described.

The Being, Names and Attributes of God, part II

1 Peter 2:9-10

Dr. S. Lewis Johnson continues his teaching on God's attributes as demonstrated in Scripture.

The Holy Trinity, part I (The Uniqueness of Christianity)


Dr. S. Lewis Johnson exponds the essential Christian doctrine of the Trinity.

The Holy Trinity, part II

John 14: 27-28

Dr. S. Lewis Johnson continues teaching on the doctrine of the Trinity. Exposition is given on the differing ideas about the relationships within the God-head over the centuries.

The Decrees of God (The Foreordination of God and the Freedom of Man)

Isaiah 14:24,27 Ephesians 1:11

Dr. S. Lewis Johnson outlines the unchanging rules God has set up to govern history, the universe and human beings.

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