Posts By: S. Lewis Johnson

S. Lewis Johnson

The Imputation of Adam’s Sin (Conclusion)


Dr. S. Lewis Johnson concludes his exposition on the effects of the Fall of Man on creation. A detailed examination of the theories of the imputation of sin to Adam's offspring is made.

Effects of the Fall, part II (The Original Sin of Man)

Romans 7: 13-25

Dr. S. Lewis Johnson continues his exposition on original sin. The doctrine of total depravity is carefully laid out in this message.

Effects of the Fall, part III (The Inability of Fallen Man)

Romans 5

Dr. S. Lewis Johnson teaches on how the Fall has affected man's will and perpetuates his inability to choose God's will outside of grace. A critique of free will theology is made.

Effects of the Fall, part IV (The Wrath of God Upon Sinful Man)


Dr. S. Lewis Johnson concludes his series on the effects of Adam's fall on humankind by giving a comprehensive study of eternal punishment.

The Unpardonable Sin

Matthew 12: 22-32

Dr. S. Lewis Johnson expounds the Scripture references to what is called the Unpardonable Sin in Christian theology.

The End of Sin (Man and Sin’s Remedy)

Romans 5

Dr. S. Lewis Johnson gives exposition on God's answer for man's sin.

Salvation: What is it and Why is it so Important?


Dr. S. Lewis Johnson describes the essential definitions of salvation as the term is used in Scripture.

Who Was Jesus Christ, part I (Our Divine Lord)

Matthew 16:13-16

Dr. S. Lewis Johnson begins a seven-part section on the person and purpose of Jesus Chirst. This first of two messages deals with Christ's divine nature.

Who Was Jesus Christ, part II (The Man Christ Jesus)

Philippians 2:5

Dr. S. Lewis Johnson finishes two messages on the person and purpose of Jesus Chirst, the second dealing with Christ's humanity.

Perversions of the Doctrine of Christ’s Person, Ancient and Modern


Dr. S. Lewis Johnson provides detailed exposition on the different ways in which Christian theologians have tried to explain the nature of Christ. The heresies from the early church as well as modern views are laid out.

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