Posts By: S. Lewis Johnson

S. Lewis Johnson

The Covenants of God


Dr. S. Lewis Johnson discusses the way man can understand God's plan of redemption.

The Offices of Christ


Dr. S. Lewis Johnson expounds the three holy roles played by Christ in the salvation of mankind.

What Has Christ Done? part I (His Sufferings in Type)


Dr. S. Lewis Johnson teaches on the typological aspects of Christ's redeeming work.

What Has Christ Done? part II (His Sufferings in History)

John 15

Dr. S. Lewis Johnson comments on Christ's historical bearing of the curse of mankind.

Is Substitution Immoral? (The Nature of the Work of Redemption)

Galatians 3:7-14

Dr. S. Lewis Johnson expounds the doctrine of redemption and Christ's substitution in reference to God's holiness.

The Doctrine of Election, part I


Dr. S. Lewis Johnson begins a short series of divine election. Detailed Scripture references in support of the doctrine are provided.

The Doctrine of Election, part II


Dr. S. Lewis Johnson continues his exposition on the doctrine of election. Dr. Johnson uses this message to explain the specific meanings of the words, predestination, foreknowledge and election.

The Doctrine of Election, part III


Dr. S. Lewis Johnson continues his five-part exposition on the doctrine of election, examining the concept's theological pitfalls.

The Doctrine of Election, part IV


Dr. S. Lewis Johnson addresses more objections to the doctrine of election.

The Doctrine of Election, part V


Dr. S. Lewis Johnson concludes his five-part series on election by commenting on the practical effects of the doctrine.

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