Posts By: S. Lewis Johnson

S. Lewis Johnson

Rite Versus Righteousness

Romans 2:17-29

Dr. S. Lewis Johnson expounds Paul's focus in his letter to the Romans upon that which conveys God's truth and jugment, the Hebrew law. A discussion is made of the apostle's contrast between those who aren't and those who are committed to that system of knowing God's righteousness, the circumcised.

The Paraclete in Promise, in Pledge, and in Pentecost

John 7:37-39

Dr. S. Lewis Johnson expounds John's teaching on the Holy Spirit.

Jews and the Oracles of God

Romans 3:1-4

Dr. S. Lewis Johnson comments on what Paul means by the eventual acceptance of Christ Jesus by the Jewish nation.

The Spirit, Convincing the World and Regenerating the Saints

John 16:7-11

Dr. S. Lewis Johnson discusses the Apostle John's writings of the Holy Spirit's role in the life renewed by Christ.

The Spirit Indwelling and Teaching the Saints

John 16:12-15

Dr. S. Lewis Johnson discusses the promises recorded in John's gospel concerning the work of the Holy Spirit in teaching and guiding believers.

The Problem of Antinomianism

Romans 3:5-8

Dr. S. Lewis Johnson continues to expound the Apostle Paul's explanation of what it means to be a Jew and a Gentile in relation to the promises of God.

The Universality of Sin

Romans 3:9-20

Dr. S. Lewis Johnson comments on how the sense of universal guilt is one of the profoundest facts in human history and experience.

Ethics in Johannine Thought: The New Commandment and the New Life

John 13:31-35

Dr. S. Lewis Johnson gives exposition on John's account of the Upper Room Discourse where Jesus explains how the new covenant between God and believers will be manifest after the Son of man is glorified.

Prayers in Johannine Thought

John 16:23-24

Dr. S. Lewis Johnson comments on the true nature of prayer as recorded by the Apostle John.

Man Be Justified With God?

Romans 3:21-26

Dr. S. Lewis Johnson expounds the concept of justification by grace being built by Paul in his letter to the Roman Christians.

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