Posts By: S. Lewis Johnson

S. Lewis Johnson

Boasting Excluded, Law Established

Romans 3:27-31

Dr. S. Lewis Johnson expounds the Apostle Paul's emphasis on Christ Jesus' work alone in producing justification for sinners.

Abraham’s Salvation

Romans 4:1-8

Dr. S. Lewis Johnson explains Paul's persepective on the faith of Abraham in obtaining the righteousness of God through Christ.

Justification, Baptism, Assurance

Romans 4:9-17

Dr. S. Lewis Johnson comments on Abraham as the prototype of justification, by faith, through faith, on the principle of grace.

The Faith of Abraham

Romans 4:18-25

Dr. S. Lewis Johnson exposits the secret of Abraham's faith, as revealed through the Apostle Paul's writings to the Roman Christians.

Safety, Certainty and Enjoyment

Romans 5:1-11

Dr. S. Lewis Johnson expounds the peace that comes as a result of following after the true gospel.

The Imputation of Adam’s Sin

Romans 5:12-21

Dr. S. Lewis Johnson expounds Paul's assertion that the entire human race is in need of redemption due to their connection with the sin of Adam.

All Under Foreign Domination

Romans 5:13-14

Dr. S. Lewis Johnson describes the work of the second Adam as "the grace of God manifested in him as our representative who stood here in this scene of sin and death and degradation and misery and performed the one act that justifies his people."

Grace Abounding and Reigning

Romans 5:15-21

Dr. S. Lewis Johnson continues his exposition of Paul's teaching about how the work of Christ overcomes the sin of the first Adam and fulfills God's law.

Shall We Continue in Sin?

Romans 6:1-14

Dr. S. Lewis Johnson explains Paul's clarification to the Roman Christians about how new life in Christ should be characterized. Dr. Johnson points out the apostle's emphasis on knowledge that comes through Christ.

Only Two Masters

Romans 6:15-23

Dr. S. Lewis Johnson expounds what some have called "Paul's normative passage for Christian living."

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