Posts By: S. Lewis Johnson

S. Lewis Johnson

Marital Union With Christ

Romans 7:1-6

Dr. S. Lewis Johnson expounds Paul's further teachings about sanctification.

Is the Law Sinful?

Romans 7:7-12

Dr. S. Lewis Johnson discusses the part of Romans in which the apostle shows believers how to be saved from the power of sin in their daily lives.

The Struggle

Romans 7:13-25

Dr. S. Lewis Johnson expounds the Apostle Paul's famous expression of struggling with the sinful nautre.

Power of the Indwelling Spirit

Romans 8:1-4

Dr. S. Lewis Johnson gives exposition of the Apostle Paul's exhortation to newness of life in Christ.

Life by the Spirit, part I


Dr. S. Lewis Johnson comments on how the apostle speaks about reasons believers walk by the Spirit. Dr. Johnson also discusses Paul's brief discourse on the believer's life, hope and obligation to the Holy Spirit in his new life.

Life by the Spirit, part II

Romans 8:5-17

Dr. S. Lewis Johnson continues his commentary on Paul's teachings about life by the law of the Spirit and how sanctification for the believer comes not by legalistic actions but through a life of faith.

Three Groanings for Glory

Romans 8:18-27

Dr. S. Lewis Johnson expounds Paul's doctrine of glorification.

The Divine Purpose

Romans 8:28-30

Dr. S. Lewis Johnson comments on the Aposlte Paul's teachings about election.

God For Us, or No Separation

Romans 8:31-39

Dr. S. Lewis Johnson expounds Paul's greatest comfort and hope as a follower of Christ.

Christ Over All

Romans 9:1-5

Dr. S. Lewis Johnson discusses Paul's lament over the rejection of Christ Jesus by his Hebrew kinsmen.

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