S. Lewis Johnson
Advice for Charismatics
Romans 12:3-8
Dr. S. Lewis Johnson exposits Paul's exhortation to Christians to present themselves as living sacrifices.
Love That Can Hate
Romans 12:9-12
Dr. S. Lewis Johnson expounds the Scriptural teaching that God's love is a holy love.
Four Triplets of Duties
Romans 12:13-21
Dr. S. Lewis Johnson comments on the apostle's "practical" duties which he exhorts the Roman Christians to undertake.
Christian Citizen and the Day
Romans 13:1-14
Dr. S. Lewis Johnson expounds Paul's famous passage concerning the relationship of Christians to unbelieving, autocratic authorities.
The Non-Essentials
Romans 14:1-12
Dr. S. Lewis Johnson discusses how controversies over insignificant activities by believers can harm the body of Christ.
No Stumbling Blocks
Romans 14:13-23
Dr. S. Lewis Johnson continues his exposition of Paul's instructions to the Roman church about Christian liberty.
The Servant of the Nations
Romans 15:1-13
Dr. S. Lewis Johnson comments on Paul's example of Jesus Christ as how to live a live of freedom.
Christ’s Priest to Gentiles
Romans 15:14-21
Dr. S. Lewis Johnson begins his commentary on the conclusion of Paul's letter to the Roman church.
The Jerusalem Offering
Romans 15:22-33
Dr. S. Lewis Johnson expounds from Paul's conclusion what should be the true characteristics of Christian fellowship.
Paul’s Friends
Romans 16:1-24
Dr. S. Lewis Johnson comments on those Paul mentions as his supporters in his ministry. Dr. Johnson shares his thoughts on the role of women in the church.