S. Lewis Johnson
The Mystery
Romans 16:25-27
Dr. S. Lewis Johnson concludes his exposition of the Apostle Paul's letter to the Roman church with an explanation of what Paul meant by mystery of God's plan for the human race.
The Apparently Ideal Church
1 Corinthians 1:1-9
Dr. S. Lewis Johnson introduces Paul's longest epistle and the many practical instructions it contains for the church.
Corinthian Dissention
1 Corinthians 1:10-17
Dr. S. Lewis Johnson describes the basic problems the church at Corinth was experiencing when Paul wrote this first epistle to them.
Part I
Dr. S. Lewis Johnson begins a lecture series on modernistic interpretations of Calvinist theology. Dr. Johnson defines modified Calvinism as it often occurs in history, detailing its origins in the 17th Century.
Part II
This is a continuation of the lecture by Dr. Johnson on Moises Amyrault and modified Calvinism. A question and answer session follows.
Part III
Dr. S. Lewis Johnson continues his criticism of so-called "four-point Calvinsim" with exposition on the Reformers' concept of limited atonement.
Part V
Dr. S. Lewis Johnson concludes his lectures on modified or modernistic interpretations of Calvinist doctrines. Dr. Johnson explains the faulty exegesis of Amyraldianism.
Part VI
This transcript concludes the lecture begun by Dr. Johnson in part V of this series. Dr. S. Lewis Johnson completes his criticism of four-point Calvinism with exposition on how the Apostles understood the term "world."
The Relevance, History and Biblical Foundation of Justification by Grace
Dr. S. Lewis Johnson begins a series of lessons that lay out on the essential theological concepts of the Prostestant Reformers. This is the first lesson of seven that focus on the doctrine of justification by grace. Dr. Johnson also highlights the key documents from the 16th Century that set forth the doctrine.