S. Lewis Johnson
The Legal, or Forensic Character of Justification
Romans 1:14-17, et.al.
Dr. S. Lewis Johnson gives more detail about the doctrine of justification by grace through faith, particularly how the doctrine serves to explain how God accepts man through the salvation of Jesus Christ.
The Cause, or Ground of Justification by Grace
Dr. S. Lewis Johnson expounds upon the process of justification by grace. Dr. Johnson explains the three imputations that occur with respect to mankind's fall from and reconciliation with God.
The Fundamental Principle of Justification
Titus 3:1-7
Dr. S. Lewis Johnson gives exposition of the active role of grace in salvation.
The Means of Justification, or the Office of Faith in Justification
Romans 4:1-5
Dr. S. Lewis Johnson provides an in depth discussion of the exact nature of faith and the role it plays in the Christian's redemption through Christ.
The Consequences of Justification by Grace, or James Versus Paul
James 2:14-26 Romans 3:28
Dr. S. Lewis Johnson gives careful exposition of the New Testament tension between faith and works.
Objections to and Departures from Justification by Grace, Ancient and Modern
Romans 4:1-8
Dr. S. Lewis Johnson describes the historical tendencies to modify the doctrine of justification by grace.
Divine Providence, or Has God Lost His Grip on Things?
Dr. S. Lewis Johnson begins a three-part sub-series on the doctrine of the providence of God.
Divine Providence, or Is History Out of Control?
Isaiah 45, various
Dr. S. Lewis Johnson continues his series on the providence of God. Dr. Johnson emphasizes that history cannot be understood outside of Scripture.
Divine Providence, or What About Miracles?
Dr. S. Lewis Johnson concludes his study of the doctrine of divine providence by detailing the bibilical nature of miracles and their purpose in support of God's sovereignty.
Authority and Inspiration of Scripture
Psalm 19
Dr. S. Lewis Johnson begins a series of lectures on the essential teachings of the Christian faith. In the first lesson, Dr. Johnson explains the divine nature of the Scriptures, the source of the Christian faith.