Posts By: S. Lewis Johnson

S. Lewis Johnson

Is There Jewish Christianity Today?

Romans 11:1-6

Dr. S. Lewis Johnson introduces a series on Paul's writings concerning the fulfillment of God's promises made in the Old Testament. Dr. Johnson gives an exposition of Paul's explanation of how Jews after Christ's ministry participate in the promises.

National Numbness – the Bequest of God

Romans 11:7-10

Dr. S. Lewis Johnson discusses the reaction of the Hebrew nation in general to Christ's work.

God’s Purpose in Israel’s Fall

Romans 11:11-16

Dr. S. Lewis Johnson expounds God's plan in Israel's rejection of Jesus of Nazareth as their Messiah.

The Gentiles Warned

Romans 11:16-24

Dr. S. Lewis Johnson expounds the power of God in fulfilling his covenant to all his chosen people, beginning with Abraham and continuing to Israel at Christ's return.

Israel Saved by the Deliverer From Zion

Romans 11:25-27

Dr. S. Lewis Johnson comments on how Israel will come to know their redeemer according to God's own timing.

Calling Immutable and Mercy Inexhaustible

Romans 11:28-32

Dr. S. Lewis Johnson expounds Paul's affirmation of Israel's future national salvation.

The Leading Principle of All Divine Truth

Romans 11:33-36

Dr. S. Lewis Johnson expounds the mystical references of Paul to the depths of God's plan.

Washing One Another’s Feet

John 13:1-17

Dr. S. Lewis Johnson introduces his exposition of Christ's Upper Room Discourse to the disciples after the Lord's Supper. Dr. Johnson expounds the symbolic tone set by Christ at the start of the Passover meal.

The Departure of Judas

John 13:18-30

Dr. S. Lewis Johnson comments on Judas' departure from Christ and the other disciples toward the end of the Passover meal.

The New Commandment

John 13:31-39

Dr. S. Lewis Johnson expounds the love that Christ demonstrates as the fulfillment of his obedience to the Father's will and as the primary characteristic of Christians.

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