S. Lewis Johnson
Physical Death
Job 14: 1-5
Dr. S. Lewis Johnson gives exposition on the Scripture's references to the afterlife. In this first message, Dr. Johnson explains the Bible's concept of physical death.
The Bodily Resurrection and the Resurrection State
1 Cor. 15-35
Dr. S. Lewis Johnson expunds the Scriptures concerning the status of souls when they are resurrected according to their redemption through Christ.
The Judgment of the Believers
1 Cor. 3:13-23
Dr. S. Lewis Johnson provides commentary on God's acceptance of the believer's faith.
The Coming and Kingdom of Jesus Christ
Rev 19:11-20:6
Dr. S. Lewis Johnson describes the standing of Christians before Christ at his return.
Death and Afterwards, part VI
Revelation 20: 11-15
Dr. S. Lewis Johnson expounds the Great White Throne Judgment.
The Eternal State and Eternal Punishment
Revelation 20:7-20:8
Dr. S. Lewis Johnson concludes his study on death and the afterlife with exposition on life for believers in eternity with God.
Lecture I
Dr. S. Lewis Johnson conducts a series of lectures at the John Bunyan Conference. In this first lecture, Dr. Johnson expounds Christ Jesus as the lamb of God as revealed to the Apostle John.
Lecture III
Dr. S. Lewis Johnson lectures on the new relationship of the sinner as a child to God as a result of the atoning work of Christ.