S. Lewis Johnson
Man and the Cultural Mandate
Genesis 1:20-2:3
Dr. S. Lewis Johnson teaches on God's command that man subdue the earth. Dr. Johnson also explains the origin of the doctrine of the Trinity.
The Mystery of Man
Genesis 2:4-7
Dr. S. Lewis Johnson discusses man's struggle with understanding himself outside of his creation by God.
Man in His Probation
Genesis 2:8-17
Dr. S. Lewis Johnson continues his exposition of Genesis with the Covenant of Works between God and Adam.
The First Divine Institution
Genesis 2:18-25
Dr. S. Lewis Johnson teaches on the first union between man and woman.
The Fall of Man
Genesis 3:1-8
Dr. S. Lewis Johnson exposits the temptation of woman and man and their disobedience to God's word.
Sting of Death, Seed of Woman
Genesis 3:8-19
Dr. S. Lewis Johnson expounds the Genesis passage which relates God's meeting with man after his sin.
Paradise Lost, but Regainable!
Genesis 3:20-24
Dr. S. Lewis Johnson goes into further detail about God's judgment of Adam's sin in the Garden of Eden. God's promise of a future redemption is expounded, and the symbolism between God's provision after man's Fall and Christ's sacrifice on Calvary is examined.
The Voice of God’s First Prophet
Genesis 4:1-8
Dr. S. Lewis Johnson expounds the sacrifices of Cain and Abel.
The Way of Cain
Genesis 4:9-26
Dr. S. Lewis Johnson expounds the Scripture passage that details the judgment of Cain and the godless society formed by his offspring.
Grim Reaper and Rapture of Enoch
Genesis 5:1-32
Dr. S. Lewis Johnson comments on the genealogy of Adam. The life of Enoch is also exposited.