S. Lewis Johnson
Israel and the PLO Peace Accord
Dr. S. Lewis Johnson comments on the treaty been the Palestinians and the State of Israel in 1993.
The Greatest Question
Acts 16:16-40
Dr. S. Lewis Johnson expounds the imprisonment of Paul and Silas in Macedonia.
God’s Yesss! to His Saints
2 Peter 3:1-9
Dr. S. Lewis Johnson expounds Peter's words concerning the timing of Jesus' return.
Evangelicals and Catholics Together? A Response at the Present Time
Dr. S. Lewis Johnson discusses his involvement and observations of the 1995 gathering of The Christian Mission in the Third Millennium which attempted to bring evangelical Protestants and Catholics together in a doctrinal statement.
Fallen From Grace
Dr. S. Lewis Johnson expounds the Jerusalem Conference of Acts 15 and its insistence that following Christ does not mean retaining the practices of the ancient Hebrew law.
A Cameo of Paul’s Christianity
2 Thess. 2:13-17
Dr. S. Lewis Johnson discusses the heart of the Apostle Paul's faith.
The Dark Side of Evangelicalism
2 Timothy 3:1-17
Dr. S. Lewis Johnson comments on what he calls the dark side of the evangelical faith as summarized by the Apostle Paul. Dr. Johnson gives present-day examples of how many churches and parachurch organizations are losing their way.
Ancient Thoughts on Death and Afterward
Psalm 16:1-11
Dr. S. Lewis Johnson expounds the comfort expressed in Psalm 16 of what awaits the believer after death.
The One Defining Act
Mark 10:35-45
Dr. S. Lewis Johnson expounds' Jesus words to James and John concerning the sacrifice he must make.
The Real Jesus – Uninvented and Undistorted
Matthew 11:20-30
Dr. S. Lewis Johnson gives a response to the Jesus Seminar movement and explains Christ's purpose in conveying to believers the truth about himself.