Posts By: S. Lewis Johnson

S. Lewis Johnson

The Day of Noah

Genesis 6:1-8

Dr. S. Lewis Johnson described the wickedness of the world in which Noah was called to build the ark.

Noah and the Power of the Minority

Genesis 6:9-22

Dr. S. Lewis Johnson gives exposition on God's choice of Noah to build the Ark.

Great Flood and the Saving Ark

Genesis 7:1-24

Dr. S. Lewis Johnson teaches on the food and Noah's salvation.

Noah Saved, World Condemned

Genesis 8:1-22

Dr. S. Lewis Johnson expounds God's judgment of man during the flood.

The Universal Covenant

Genesis 9:1-17

Dr. S. Lewis Johnson gives exposition of Noah's sacrifice to God after the flood and God's subsequent promise to him.

Prophecy of Noah and Race Question

Genesis 9:18-29

Dr. S. Lewis Johnson discusses the blessings and curses upon Noah's sons as they populated the earth.

The Early Years – I: The Man of Tarsus

Acts 21:39

Dr. S. Lewis Johnson begins his series on the life of the Apostle Paul. Dr. Johnson provides background to his exposition, discussing the apostle's personality and appearance as well as his home of Tarsus.

The Early Years – II: The Man of Jerusalem

Acts 22:31, 26:5

Dr. S. Lewis Johnson continues his exposition on the early life of Paul. Dr. Johnson provides details about the apostle's theological education in the school of Gamaliel.

History of the Sons of Noah

Genesis 10:1-32

Dr. S. Lewis Johnson expounds the genealogy of Noah's sons, including some of the early histories recorded in the Table of Nations.

Stephen: The Paul Before Paul

Acts 6:1 - 7:60

Dr. S. Lewis Johnson expounds the account of Stephen. Dr. Johnson explains how the martyr's testimony served God's purpose in preparing Paul for his role in proclaiming the gospel.

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