Posts By: S. Lewis Johnson

S. Lewis Johnson

The Last Words – IV: The Finished Work of Christ

John 19:28-30

Dr. S. Lewis Johnson concludes his sub-series on Christ's words from the cross with a discussion of, "It is finished."

The Burial of Christ

Matthew 27:57-61

Dr. S. Lewis Johnson comments on Christ's burial and its demonstration of the Messiah's divine and human natures.

The Resurrection: Its Place in the Doctrine of Atonement

John 20:1-10

Dr. S. Lewis Johnson gives detailed exposition of the resurrection of Jesus and the significance of each of those who encounted Christ after the miraculous event.

The Purpose of the Atonement

2 Corinthians 5:14-21

Dr. S. Lewis Johnson devotes this lesson to a summary of the doctrine of the atonement and God's aims through the work of the second person of the Trinity.

The Design of the Atonement: For Whom Did Christ Die? – I

Romans 8:32

Dr. S. Lewis Johnson discusses the core debate within Protestant Christianity over the purpose of Christ's suffering, death and resurrection. In this first part, the basic views concerning the application of Christ's atonement are summarized.

The Design of the Atonement: For Whom Did Christ Die? – II

John 6:37-40

Dr. S. Lewis Johnson continues his explanation of the differences between Calvinistic and Arminian interpretations of who are the beneficiaries of Christ's atoning work. Dr. Johnson devotes this lesson to retelling the history of Arminius' teachings and the Synod of Dordrecht.

The Design of the Atonement: For Whom Did Christ Die? – III

Dr. S. Lewis Johnson continues his discussion of the historical debate over the application of Christ's atonement.

The Design of the Atonement: For Whom Did Christ Die? – IV

Dr. S. Lewis Johnson probes deeply into the central question of Christ's atoning work: Did he die to make the salvation of all men possible and nothing more, or did he die to certainly and actually save through faith his elect people?

The Design of the Atonement: For Whom Did Christ Die? – V

Dr. S. Lewis Johnson provides criticism of theories of universal atonement.

The Design of the Atonement: For Whom Did Christ Die? – VI

Dr. S. Lewis Johnson continues his discussion of the different types of atonement. The Scriptures relating to universal atonement are set forth.

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