Posts By: S. Lewis Johnson

S. Lewis Johnson

The Glorious Branch

Isaiah 4:2-6

Dr. S. Lewis Johnson expounds the divine growth of the tender shoot of the Lord, Jesus the Messiah and the fulfillment of his mission.

The Holy Seed, the Stump in the Land

Isaiah 6:1-13

Dr. S. Lewis Johnson expounds Isaiah's encounter the Lord in the temple and his commission given by God.

The Greatest Political Power in Israel Since David

Isaiah 7:1-25

Dr. S. Lewis Johnson continues his exposition of the calling of Isaiah and the prophet's words against the earthly king of Israel in light of revelation concerning the Messianic king.

The Messianic King: The Mighty God

Isaiah 9:2-7

Dr. S. Lewis Johnson expounds the names and traits of the God of Israel as embodied in the Messiah.

The Salvation of Jehovah

Isaiah 11:1

Dr. S. Lewis Johnson gives exposition on Isaiah the Prophet's words concerning the ultimate judgment of the Messiah upon those who have and have not believed in him.

The Comfort of Israel’s Incomparable God

Isaiah 40:1-31

Dr. S. Lewis Johnson comments on the words given to Isaiah concerning Israel's political deliverance by God.

The Servant of Jehovah, the Covenant of the People and Light of the Gentiles

Isaiah 42:1-25

Dr. S. Lewis Johnson expounds the Messiah's sufferings as revealed to Isaiah.

The Glorious Success of the Troubled Servant of Jehovah

Isaiah 49:1-26

Dr. S. Lewis Johnson discusses Isaiah's prophecies about the Messiah's power to overcome disobedience, sin and death.

The Servant’s Words to Zion’s Children

Isaiah 50:1-11

Dr. S. Lewis Johnson discusses the prophecy of the redeeming purpose of the Messiah. Dr. Johnson also comments on the prophecy concerning Christ's knowledge of himself as Messiah.

Degradation and Exaltation

Isaiah 52:13

Dr. S. Lewis Johnson expounds the Isaiah passage read by the Ethiopian Eunuch which details the sufferings of the Messiah and their purpose in God's plan of salvation.

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