S. Lewis Johnson
Man’s Spirit and God’s Sovereignty
Genesis 11:1-9
Dr. S. Lewis Johnson explains "the spirit of Babylon."
The Conversion of Paul
Acts 9:1-9
Dr. S. Lewis Johnson expounds the coversion of Paul on the road to Damascus. Dr. Johnson discusses how the event served to provide the apostle with a fundamental understanding of God's election and process of salvation.
Election, Calling and Perseverance
Genesis 11:10 - 12:5
Dr. S. Lewis Johnson explains the meaning of election in God's calling of Abraham.
Abrahamic Fundamental Covenant
Genesis 12:1-3
Dr. S. Lewis Johnson introduces what he calls possibly the most important covenant in Scripture.
Paul, Ananias and Arabia
Acts 9:10-19
Dr. S. Lewis Johnson discusses the ministry of the Antioch Christians to Paul after his conversion and the time he spent with the community.
The First Great Pilgrim Father
Genesis 12:1-3
Dr. S. Lewis Johnson begins his teachings on Abraham the Patriarch.
The Dance of Circumstances and Danger of Compromise
Genesis 12:10-20
Dr. S. Lewis Johnson expounds Abram's first test of faith after God called him into the Promised Land. The details of his failure with Sarah before Pharoah are studied.
Lure of Invisible and Abram’s Choice
Genesis 13:1-18
Dr. S. Lewis Johnson provides exposition on the separation of Abram with his nephew, Lot.
The Emergence of the Life Purpose
Acts 9:20-31
Dr. S. Lewis Johnson comments on the transformation of Paul as a minister of the Gospel after his Damascus conversion.
Uncompromising Faith
Genesis 14: 1-24
Dr. S. Lewis Johnson continues his teachings on the life of Abraham. The meeting between Abram, the kings of the valley and Melchizedek is expounded.