S. Lewis Johnson
The Course of World Empire, part I
Daniel 2:1-49
Dr. S. Lewis Johnson comments on the "Gentile" perspective of God's plan as it is revealed in world history. This first part expounds world history as symbolized by the Babylonian king's dream as revealed to the Prophet Daniel.
Israel and the Manna
Exodus 16: 1-36
Dr. S. Lewis Johnson continues his typical exposition of the Exodus of Israel from Egypt by commenting on the symbolism of the manna.
The Smitten Rock
Exodus 17: 1-7
Dr. S. Lewis Johnson discusses the typology of the rock God commanded Moses to strike in order to supply water to the children of Israel in the wilderness.
Then Came Amalek
Exodus 17: 8-16
Dr. S. Lewis Johnson expounds Israel's first armed conflict along the way to Canaan.
Israel at Mount Sinai
Exodus 19:1 - 24:18
Dr. S. Lewis Johnson expounds the typical themes of Moses and the Israelite's encounter with Yahweh at Mt. Sinai.
Israel and the Golden Calf
Exodus 32: 1-35
Dr. S. Lewis Johnson gives exposition on the Golden Calf apostasy and the sin of idolatry that can occur among believers. Additional illustrations of Moses' antitype of Christ are given.
Israel at Kadesh-Barnea, part I
Numbers 13: 1-33
Dr. S. Lewis Johnson gives exposition on the Israelite spies sent into Canaan.
The Course of World Empire, part II
Daniel 2:1-49
Dr. S. Lewis Johnson concludes his exposition of Daniel's interpretation of the vision of Gentile world domination.
Prophecy of the 70 Sevens, part I
Daniel 9:24-27
Dr. S. Lewis Johnson comments on the era set forth in Daniel as the times of the Gentiles, including the group of years known as the Great Tribulation.
Prophecy of the 70 Sevens, part II
Daniel 9:24-27
Dr. S. Lewis Johnson completes a two-part study on the group of years ordained by God as the times of the Gentiles. Dr. Johnson explains the historical events which designate the beginning of the period.