Posts By: S. Lewis Johnson

S. Lewis Johnson

The Davidic Covenant – II

2 Samuel 7:12-17

Dr. S. Lewis Johnson continues his exposition on God's covenant with David, answering the Hebrew king's questions about royal succession.

The Davidic Covenant and Old-Testament Prophecy

Isaiah 11:1-12

Dr. S. Lewis Johnson expounds the prophecies which were given to kings who succeeded David and which detail the true purpose of the throne in Israel.

The Davidic Covenant New-Testament Fulfillment and Prophecy

2 Samuel 7; Acts 15:13-18

Dr. S. Lewis Johnson explains the restoration of "the Tabernacle of David" in the New Testament.

An Incomparable Prayer to an Incomparable God

2 Samuel 7:18-29

Dr. S. Lewis Johnson concludes his exposition of the Davidic Covenant between King David and Yahweh by expounding David's prayer in response to God's promise.

David, Mephibosheth and Unmerited Grace

2 Samuel 9:1-13

Dr. S. Lewis Johnson comments on the relationship between King David and the crippled son of Jonathan, Mephibosheth.

The Great Transgression

2 Samuel 11:1-27

Dr. S. Lewis Johnson expounds David's sin with Bathsheeba and the resulting cover-up.

David Rebuked, Repentant, Restored; Yet Disciplined

2 Samuel 12:1-25

Dr. S. Lewis Johnson gives exposition on how God forgives and disciplines believers who still sin.

Like Father, Like Sons

2 Samuel 13:1-39

Dr. S. Lewis Johnson comments on the fruit of David's sinful nature in his household.

Joab, the Woman of Tekoa, and Means for Restoring the Banished

2 Samuel 14:1-33

Dr. S. Lewis Johnson comments on King David as a type of Christ in his relationship to his estranged son, Absalom.

David and the Resurrection

Psalm 16:1-11

Continuing his exposition of David as type of Christ, Dr. S. Lewis Johnson expounds the king's psalm written as a statement of the resurrection of the Messiah.

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