Posts By: S. Lewis Johnson

S. Lewis Johnson

Elijah the Prophet – Naboth’s Vineyard,

1 Kings 21:1-20

Dr. S. Lewis Johnson gives exposition on Elijah's final confrontation with King Ahab.

Elijah the Prophet – Rapture and Second Coming of Elijah


Dr. S. Lewis Johnson concludes his series of messages on Elijah the Prophet with teachings on the final exhange with Elisha, his successor, and on the passages of Scripture that reference the prophet's role in future events.

The Great Arraignment, or The Wickedness of Formal Worship

Isaiah 1:1-31

Dr. S. Lewis Johnson introduces his exposition of the intense Messianic prophecy of Isaiah. A brief history of the times of Isaiah's ministry is presented.

The Two Jerusalems: Past and Future

Isaiah 2:1 - 4:6

Dr. S. Lewis Johnson expounds a lengthy passage of the Book of Isaiah that sets forth God's vision of his kingdom on earth.

The Vineyard of Jehovah, or The Problem of Lawlessness

Isaiah 5:1-30

Isaiah - The Vineyard of Jehovah, or The Problem of Lawlessness

The Prophet Cleansed, Called and Commissioned

Isaiah 6:1-13

Dr. S. Lewis Johnson expounds the conviction and call of Isaiah to his prophetic ministry. Parallels are made to the earthly ministry of Jesus Christ.

The Virgin’s Son: the Divine Sign

Isaiah 7:1-25

Dr. S. Lewis Johnson expounds Isaiah's interaction with the king of Israel concerning the latter's alliance with the unbelieving nation of Assyria.

The Stone of Stumbling and the Mighty God

Isaiah 8:1 - 9:7

Dr. S. Lewis Johnson gives exposition on God's promise of the Messiah as told to Isaiah. An explanation of the different types of Messianic prophecies found in Scripture is provided.

The Child Who Is a Father

Isaiah 9:1-7

Dr. S. Lewis Johnson expounds a passage in Isaiah's prophecy dealing with the Messiah as part of the Trinity.

The Destruction of the World’s Kingdom

Isaiah 9:8 - 10:34

Dr. S. Lewis Johnson expounds a poetic section of the prophecy of Isaiah which details God's judgment upon Israel.

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