S. Lewis Johnson
The Coming and Consummation of Jehovah’s Kingdom
Isaiah 11:1 - 12:6
Dr. S. Lewis Johnson continues his exposition of Isaiah's prophecy concerning the promised Messiah. Passages that confirm Jesus of Nazareth as the Messiah are expouded.
Babylon and Lucifer
Isaiah 13:1 - 14:23
Dr. S. Lewis Johnson expounds the section of Isaiah's prophecy in which the prophet is given the vision of what will happen to Satan and his earthly kingdom.
Isaiah and the Foreign Nations – I
Isaiah 14:24 - 18:7
Dr. S. Lewis Johnson teaches part one of two lessons on Isaiah's prophecy against the wicked nations surrounding Judah.
Isaiah and the Foreign Nations – II
Isaiah 19:1 - 23:18
Dr. S. Lewis Johnson concludes his two-part message on the vision given to Isaiah about God's judgment of Israel by foreign nations. The correllation between Isaiah's vision and Daniel's experiences is exposited.
The Little Apocalypse – I: The Moral Universe in Judgment
Isaiah 24:1 - 25:12
Dr. S. Lewis Johnson expounds the Apocalypse as it was revealed to Isaiah.
The Little Apocalypse – II: Israel Raised From the Dead and Fruitful In The Earth
Isaiah 26:1 - 27:13
Dr. S. Lewis Johnson continues his exposition of Isaiah's prophecy about the end times. Dr. Johnson details the relationship of Israel to the Messiah during the last days.
The Book of Woes – I: The Covenant with Death, or the Sure Foundation
Isaiah 28
Dr. S. Lewis Johnson expounds the passages of Isaiah's prophecy which explicitly judge the deceiving Hebrew priests.
The Book of Woes – II: Formalism, Faithlessness and the Holy One of Israel
Isaiah 29
Dr. S. Lewis Johnson expounds Isaiah's explicit judgments against the insincere religiosity of Israel. Parallels are drawn to the modern church in American society.
Politics and Faith, or the Folly of Trusting Horses and Chariots
Isaiah 30 - 31
Dr. S. Lewis Johnson discusses the idolatry that comes when believers fail to trust in the security of God.
The Ideal Man and What’s Wrong With Women
Isaiah 32
Dr. S. Lewis Johnson derives insight into Christian living from Isaiah's description of the disobedient Israelites.