Posts By: S. Lewis Johnson

S. Lewis Johnson

The Glorious Success of the Discouraged Servant of Jehovah

Isaiah 49:1-26

Dr. S. Lewis Johnson begins his exposition on the explicit Messianic prophecies of Isaiah.

Israel’s Sin and the Servant’s Steadfast Salvation

Isaiah 50:1-11

Dr. S. Lewis Johnson continues his exposition of Isaiah's prophecy of the future Suffering Servant.

Tidings of Salvation to Stricken Jerusalem

Isaiah 51 - 52:12

Dr. S. Lewis Johnson expounds the saving work of Jehovah for his people.

The Degradation and Exaltation of the Servant of Jehovah

Isaiah 52:13 - 53:12

Dr. S. Lewis Johnson expounds Isaiah's prophecy with regard to the suffering of the Messiah.

The Glory of the Covenant Nation

Isaiah 54

Dr. S. Lewis Johnson discusses the hope that is found for the Jewish people in Isaiah's prophecy.

The Sure Mercies of David, or Invitation, Admonition and Denunciation

Isaiah 55 - 57

Dr. S. Lewis Johnson expounds the saving grace set forth in Isaiah's prophecy.

True Worship, or the Works of Faith

Isaiah 58

Dr. S. Lewis Johnson comments on the expression of true faith in a true follower of the Messiah's life.

The Power of Human Sin

Isaiah 59

Dr. S. Lewis Johnson expounds a section of Isaiah's prophecy in which the prophet is given a revelation of the sin of Israel and the nations' judgment at the Second Advent of the Messiah.

Vistas of the Future, or the Glory of the Kingdom of God

Isaiah 60

Dr. S. Lewis Johnson gives exposition of Isaiah's revelation of the restoration of Israel in the Promised Land.

The Glory of the Servant and His City

Isaiah 61 - 62

Dr. S. Lewis Johnson expounds the passage from Isaiah's prophecy which Jesus of Nazareth spoke from at the beginning of his Messianic ministry.

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