S. Lewis Johnson
The Prophecy of the Seventy Sevens – II
Daniel 9:24-27
Dr. S. Lewis Johnson continues his exposition of the meaning of the prophetic phrase, "the 70 Sevens." Emphasis is given to the actual timeline of the prophecy in history.
Daniel and the Unseen
Daniel 10:1-10
Dr. S. Lewis Johnson expounds Daniel's theophany and interactions with archangels before the final revelation given to him as recorded in his prophecy. The saint's relationship to unseen spiritual forces is discussed with prayer as the main example.
The Willful King
Daniel 11:1-45
Dr. S. Lewis Johnson expounds the passage of Daniel's prophecy known as "The Scripture of Truth." Further details about the antichrist are interpreted.
Tribulation, Resurrection, Testimony in Daniel’s Conclusion
Daniel 12:1-13
Dr. S. Lewis Johnson expounds the concluding passages of Daniel's prophecy concerning the end of human history.
The Pedagogy of Biography
Hosea 1:1-3
Dr. S. Lewis Johnson begins his series on the prophecy of Hosea. Dr. Johnson expounds in this first message on God's command that Hosea marry a woman with a harlot's spirit.
The Panorama of Divine Love
Hosea 1:3-2:1
Dr. S. Lewis Johnson expounds upon Hosea's family and the names God commands the prophet to give to his children.
The Pained Appeal of a Forgotten God
Hosea 2:2-15
Dr. S. Lewis Johnson continues his exposition of the prophecy of Hosea by discussing the metaphor of the prophet's marriage with God's relationship to the Nation Israel.
Israel and God’s Eternal Love
Hosea 2:16-23
Dr. S. Lewis Johnson expounds God's love for Israel as his people. Dr. Johnson makes the contrast between the loyal love of Yahweh and the false worship of the Canaanite baal gods.
Transcendent Love, or The Return of the Adultress
Hosea 3:1-5
Dr. S. Lewis Johnson expounds Hosea's second commitment to his adulterous wife.
The Sacrifice of Isaac
Genesis 22:1-19
Dr. S. Lewis Johnson expounds Abraham's obedience to God in the Old Testament's theme of the redeeming seed.