S. Lewis Johnson
Micah – What Does God Require?
Micah 6:6-8
Dr. S. Lewis Johnson discusses Micah call for Israel's repentance and gives practical application for the modern church.
Micah – Covenant, Guilt and Punishment
Micah 6:9-16
Dr. S. Lewis Johnson expounds Micah's judgments against Judah in the light of apostasies and injustices in the present-day church.
Micah – Lament Over a Decadent Society
Micah 7:1-7
Dr. S. Lewis Johnson comments on Micah's further repudiation of the general corruption in the Israelite nation.
Micah – The Covenant God: No One Like Him
Micah 7:8-20
Dr. S. Lewis Johnson concludes his exposition of the Prophecy of Micah with commentary on the prophet's great hope of justification for God's chosen people.
Habakkuk – Habakkuk, or The Unconcern of God
Habakkuk 1:1-11
Dr. S. Lewis Johnson introduces his exposition of the prophecy of Habakkuk against an apostate Israel.
Habakkuk – Habakkuk, or A Holy God and His Unholy Instrument
Habakkuk 1:12 - 2:1
Dr. S. Lewis continues expounding the prophecy of Habakkuk. Dr. Johnson comments on Habakkuk's complaint before Yahweh of God's use of Babylon to judge Israel, His chosen people.
Habakkuk – Habakkuk, or The Just Shall Live by Faith
Habakkuk 1:2-30
Dr. S. Lewis Johnson expounds the famous passage of Habakkuk which inspired the Protestant Reformation.
Haggai – Consider Your Ways
Haggai 1:1-14
Dr. S. Lewis Johnson begins his series on the Prophecy of Haggai to the Hebrews allowed to return to Israel during the reign of Persia. Dr. Johnson provides historical background for the spiritual condition of Israel during Haggai's ministry.
Haggai – The Desire of All Nations
Haggai 2:1-9
Dr. S. Lewis Johnson comments on the reference to Christ's second coming in Haggai's prophecy and its connection to God's covenant with Israel.
Haggai – The Contagiousness of Sin
Haggai 2:10-19
Dr. S. Lewis Johnson gives practical commentary on the vulnerablity of God's people to sin and their requirement for holiness to be transferred to them from God.