S. Lewis Johnson
The Davidic Covenant, part II
Revelation 3:7, 5:5, 22:16; Acts 13:26-37
Dr. S. Lewis Johnson concludes his lesson on the covenant between God and King David, stressing the fulfullment of God's promise in the future millennial kingdom of Christ after the Second Advent.
The New Covenant and Prophecy, part I
Jeremiah 31:31-34
Dr. S. Lewis Johnson begins a four-part series on the covenant of God with man, specifically the church in the modern age. Dr. Johnson expounds the origin of the "new covenant" in the prophecy of Jeremiah.
The New Covenant and Prophecy, part II
Matthew 26:26-29
Dr. S. Lewis Johnson discusses the reference to the New Covenant by Christ during the Last Passover supper.
The New Covenant and Prophecy, part III
Hebrews 8:1-13
Dr. S. Lewis Johnson continues his exposition of the New Covenant and its relationship to future events, notably the fulfillment of Christ's priesthood and its relationship to the Hebrew people.
The New Covenant and Prophecy, part IV
Romans 11
Dr. S. Lewis Johnson concludes the series of lessons that reveal the prophetic impact of the New Covenant relationship between God and man.
The Silence of God, or the Significance of the Present Age
Psalm 2, Luke 4
Dr. S. Lewis Johnson addresses the spirit of the age and its most fundamental struggles with the presence of God and the future. He asks the question, "Have you ever wondered if God really has spoken in his word?"
The Certainty of the Second Coming
Malachi 4
Dr. S. Lewis Johnson details the Scripture passages that provide evidence of Christ's Second Advent.
Premil Calendar, Future Events
Matthew 16, Isaiah 41
Dr. S. Lewis Johnson lays out the premillennial timeline of events with regard to Bible prophecy.
The Resurrection of the Church
1 Thess. 4: 13-18
Dr. S. Lewis Johnson expounds on what the Bible prophesies with regard to the status of the church of Jesus during the end times.
Translation of the Church
1 Corinthians 15
Dr. S. Lewis Johnson discusses the body resurrection of the church in the future.