S. Lewis Johnson
A Bride for Isaac
Genesis 24:1-67
Dr. S. Lewis Johnson comments on one of the Bible's greatest love stories. Dr. Johnson describes the event's metaphorical relationship to Christ and the church.
Last of Abraham, First of Jacob
Genesis 25:1-26
Dr. S. Lewis Johnson discusses Abraham's epilogue and the birth of Jacob and Esau.
Paul and the Second Missionary Journey (4)
Acts 17:1-15
Dr, S, Lewis Johnson comments on Paul's ministry into Greece.
Esau’s Profane Act
Genesis 25:27-34
Dr. S. Lewis Johnson describes the true profanity of Esau and the essential faith of Jacob.
Isaac – Passive, Patient Patriarch
Genesis 26:1-35
Dr. S. Lewis Johnson expounds the Genesis chapter which examines the character of Isaac. Media Cent
Paul and the Second Missionary Journey (5): Paul at Athens
Acts 17:16-34
Dr. S. Lewis Johnson expounds the Apostle Paul's sermon on Mars Hill.
The Stolen Blessing
Genesis 27:1-46
Dr. S. Lewis Johnson gives exposition on the deceit of Issac by Rebekah and Jacob. Dr. Johnson explains how God's purposes are accomplished in spite of the disobedience to his word by each member of the patriarch's family.
Jacob’s Ladder – Grace Unsought
Genesis 28:1-22
Dr. S. Lewis Johnson expounds Jacob's vision after fleeing his brother Esau.
Paul’s Third Missionary Journey – I
Acts 18:18
Dr. S. Lewis Johnson begins a sub-series on Paul's third missionary journey. The person and teachings of Apollos, the early church preacher, are discussed.
The Deceiver Deceived
Genesis 29:1-35
Dr. S. Lewis Johnson describes what he calls "The School of Christ" as illustrated by Jacob's marriage to Rachel.