Posts By: S. Lewis Johnson

S. Lewis Johnson

The Leaping Fountain of Living Water

John 4:1-15

Dr. S. Lewis Johnson gives exposition on the exchange between Jesus and the Samaritan woman.

True Worship

John 4:16-26

Dr. S. Lewis Johnson expounds Jesus' words to the Samaritan woman concerning worship of God.

How to be Wise

John 4:27-42

Dr. S. Lewis Johnson expounds Jesus' words to his disciples about living bread.

Healing of the Nobleman’s Son –

John 4:43-54

Dr. S. Lewis Johnson comments on Jesus' first recorded miracle upon return to Galilee. Dr. Johnson observes how Christ tests and nurtures the faith of the nobleman.

The Healing of the Impotent Man

John 5:1-18

Dr. S. Lewis Johnson expounds Jesus' healing of the man who could not rise from his pallet.

The Dead and the Voice of the Son of God

John 5:19-30

Dr. S. Lewis Johnson expounds Jesus' first words to his disciples about his relationship with the Father and the power of the Trinity.

A Seven-Fold Testimony to Christ

John 5:31-47

Dr. S. Lewis Johnson expounds Jesus' additional words after the healing of the impotent man. Dr. Johnson outlines seven evidences of Jesus' messiahship.

The Feeding of the 15,000

John 6:1-14

Dr. S. Lewis Johnson gives exposition on Jesus' first recorded miraculous feeding.

The Walking on the Water

John 6:15-21

Dr. S. Lewis Johnson expounds the instance of Jesus walking on the stormy water of Galiliee to his disciples.

Working the Works of God

John 6:22-33

Dr. S. Lewis Johnson comments on the conversation between Jesus and the people after they followed him around the Sea of Galiliee.

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