Posts By: S. Lewis Johnson

S. Lewis Johnson

The True Messiah

John 8:21-29

Dr. S. Lewis Johnson expounds Jesus' words about his divine origin and their significance in saving faith.

Free Indeed

John 8:30-38

Dr. S. Lewis Johnson expounds Jesus' words about freedom from sin.

The Fatherhood of Satan and the Brotherhood of Man

John 8:37-47

Dr. S. Lewis Johnson gives exposition on Jesus' exchange with the Jewish leaders over the covenant between Yahweh and Abraham.

The Day of the Ancient of Days

John 8:48-59

Dr. S. Lewis Johnson gives exposition on the continuing exchanges between Christ Jesus and the Jews during the Feast of Tabernacles.

The Healing of the Blind Man

John 9:1-7

Dr. S. Lewis Johnson expounds Jesus' healing of the man born blind.

The Progress of a Man’s Faith

John 9:8-41

Dr. S. Lewis Johnson discusses the instructions given by Jesus to the blind man as part of the Lord's miracle of healing. Dr. Johnson explains how the instructions convey how faith grows in the believer.

The Shepherd of the Sheep


Dr. S. Lewis Johnson gives exposition on how Jesus used his miracle of healing the blind man to convey to the Jews his role of shepherd over the lives of those called to follow him.

Christ the Door

John 10:7-10

Dr. S. Lewis Johnson expounds Christ's self-analogy as the door to salvation.

The Good Shepherd

John 10:11-15

Dr. S. Lewis Johnson gives exposition on Christians' relationship to Jesus as sheep to a shepherd.

Christ’s Other Sheep

John 10:16

Dr. S. Lewis Johnson expounds the relationship of the Nation Israel to Christ Jesus.

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