S. Lewis Johnson
The Infidelity of Anxiety,
Matthew 6:25-34
Dr. S. Lewis Johnson discusses the providence of God and explains how worry by the believer is an expression of unfaithfulness.
On Criticism – Censorious and Sensible
Matthew 7:1-6
Dr. S. Lewis Johnson exposits Jesus' instructions about believers' criticism of others and of those outside the family of believers. Dr. Johnson also explains the concept of discriminiation in evangelism.
The Queen of Experiences and the Everest of Ethics
Matthew 7:7-12
Dr. S. Lewis Johnson expounds the famous passage of the Sermon on the Mount which includes Christ's command to "ask, seek and knock." Dr. Johnson describes how prayer is the expression of this teaching of Jesus.
Two Ways, Two Trees, Two Houses
Matthew 7:13-29
Concluding his exposition of the Sermon on the Mount, Dr. S. Lewis Johnson explains how Jesus sets forth two paths for people to follow -- one leading into his Messianic kingdom.
The Cleansing of the Leper, or Christ both Powerful and Good
Matthew 8:1-4
Dr. S. Lewis Johnson expounds upon Christ's first miracle recorded in the Gospel of Matthew. Dr. Johnson provides details of how this miracle and Christ's ministry are in harmony with the true spirit of Jewish law.
The Healing of the Centurion’s Servant, or the Faith that Astonished Christ
Matthew 8:5-13
Dr. S. Lewis Johnson discusses the miracle of Jesus involving the Roman Centurion. Dr. Johnson emphasizes the role of faith in the Messiah's miracles.
Healings, the Atonement, and the Implications of Discipleship
Matthew 8:14-22
Dr. S. Lewis Johnson discusses Jesus' first miracles and their significance in support of his Messianic identity.
His Wonders in the Deep
Matthew 8:23-27
Dr. S. Lewis Johnson describes the deity of Christ demonstrated during the storm on the Sea of Galilee.
‘Jesus is No Ordinary Person’ – the Demons
Matthew 8:28-34
Dr. S. Lewis Johnson relates how even the demons acknowledge Christ's Messiahship before he casts them out of two men into a herd of swine.
The Paralytic, The Pallet, and the Power of the Son of Man
Matthew 9:1-8
Dr. S. Lewis Johnson discusses the growth of Jesus' ministry and authority and it's effect on the Jewish elders during the instance in which he heals the paralytic.