S. Lewis Johnson
When Sick Men Reject Their Doctor, or Growing Opposition to the King
Matthew 9:9-17
Dr. S. Lewis Johnson goes into detail about the reaction of the Jewish elders to Jesus' ministry and claims. Also discussed is the calling of the gospel's author, Matthew the Evangelist.
Master of Death and Man of Feeling
Matthew 9:18-26
Dr. S. Lewis Johnson expounds the first recorded miracle of Jesus that involves the raising of someone from the dead. Dr. Johnson also explains how the miracle illustrates the compassion of the Messianic king.
Blind Men and the Lord, Then and Now
Matthew 9:27-31
Dr. S. Lewis Johnson relates Jesus' healing of the blind men of Capernaum. Dr. Johnson also points out the defining prophecy from the Book of Isaiah in support Jesus' Messianic identity.
An Unequal Cure and Uncommon Critics
Matthew 9:32-34
Dr. S. Lewis Johnson concludes a group of messages on Christ's Messianic credentials as they are set forth in Matthew.
The Mission of the Twelve
Matthew 9:35 - 10:42
Dr. S. Lewis Johnson expounds a lengthy passage detailing Jesus' sending out of his disciples to declare the arrival of the Messiah to the people of Israel.
John’s Doubts About Jesus’ Messiahship
Matthew 11:1-19
Dr. S. Lewis Johnson discusses John the Baptist's discouragement about Christ after being imprisoned by King Herod. Dr. Johnson explains how Jesus responded and provided the essential authentication of his Messianic ministry.
The Unshared Sonship of the Son of God
Matthew 11:20-30
Dr. S. Lewis Johnson continues his exposition of Jesus as the Messiah, possessing full unity with God the Father.
Lord of the Sabbath
Matthew 12:1-8
Dr. S. Lewis Johnson discusses two major confrontations of Jesus with the Jewish leaders over the interpretation of the law.
The Man With the Withered Hand
Matthew 12:9-14
Dr. S. Lewis Johnson discusses Jesus' healing in the synagogue of the man with the withered hand. Dr. Johnson also relates how this miracle hardenes the opposition of the Jewish elders to Jesus.
God’s Elect Servant – Gentle and Quiet
Matthew 12:15-21
Dr. S. Lewis Johnson explains how the prophecy about the nature of the Messiah was fulfilled in Jesus' ministry.