Posts By: S. Lewis Johnson

S. Lewis Johnson

The Law of Forgiveness in the Community of the Forgiven

Matthew 18:21-35

Dr. S. Lewis Johnson expounds upon the parable of the two debtors, providing additional thoughts about Jesus' expectations of his saints.

Christ and Divorce

Matthew 19:1-12

Dr. S. Lewis Johnson dicusses Christ's view on divorce, and how his reaction to a challenge by the Jewish leaders on the subject is an illustration of the true spirit of God's law.

The Rich Young Ruler, or Salvation: the Gift of God

Matthew 19:16-26

Dr. S. Lewis Johnson gives exposition on Jesus' encouter with the Rich Young Ruler, and how Christ used the exchange to express the specific nature of salvation.

Laborers in the Vineyard, or Sovereign Grace in the Doctrine of Rewards

Matthew 19:27 - 20:16

Dr. S. Lewis Johnson expounds the parable of the vineyard workers and explains the doctrine of rewards in the Messianic kingdom.

Particular Redemption and Greatness in the Kingdom

Matthew 20:17-28

Dr. S. Lewis Johnson dicusses what it means to follow Christ based upon his response to the request of James and John to be seated next to him in the throneroom of what they thought would be his kingdom.

The Second Joshua Working Miracles in Jericho Again

Matthew 20:29-34

Dr. S. Lewis Johnson dicusses Jesus' visit through Jericho on his way to Jerusalem, explaining the importance of the healings of the blind men in that city.

The Untriumphal Entry

Matthew 21:1-11

Dr. S. Lewis Johnson expounds Jesus' entry into Jerusalem and the beginning of the Passion Week.

The Cleansing of the Temple, or the Primacy of the Spiritual

Matthew 21:12-17

Dr. S. Lewis Johnson gives exposition on the Monday before Jesus' crucifixion, focusing on Christ's attack on the temple money-changers.

The Withered Fig Tree, or Israel Under a Curse

Matthew 21:18-22

Dr. S. Lewis Johnson discusses the perplexing curse by Christ on the fig tree and explains its sympolism with reference to Israel.

The Authority of John and Jesus

Matthew 21:23-32

Dr. S. Lewis Johnson dicusses the exchange between Jesus and the temple leaders about the authority of the Messiah.

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