S. Lewis Johnson
Jesus’ Knowledge of his Second Coming
Matthew 24:24 Matthew 24:32-36
Dr. S. Lewis Johnson gives exposition on more of Christ's teachings during the Olivet Discourse.
Acts 1:1-5
Dr. S. Lewis Johnson introduces his series on the Book of Acts, expounding the book's salutation as a continuation of the things taught and promised by Christ for the church.
The Plan, the Power and the Promise
Acts 1:6-12
Dr. S. Lewis Johnson expounds the ascension of Christ.
The Theology of Prayer: What is Prayer – The Nature, Object and Grounds of Prayer
Dr. S. Lewis Johnson introduces an eight-part series on prayer.
Prayer and the Attributes, or Why Bother an Infinite, Omnipotent God of Love
Dr. S. Lewis Johnson goes into detail about prayer and its relationship to the attributes of God.
Prayer and the Attributes, or Does Prayer Change an Unchanging God
Dr. S. Lewis Johnson gives exposition on the interrelationship between the believer's prayer and God's purposes.
Prayer and the Decrees
Dr. S. Lewis Johnson explains the purpose of prayer in relation to God's will and the laws of nature.
The Problem of Unanswered Prayer – I
Dr. S. Lewis Johnson begins a two-part exposition on what humans perceive as unanswered prayer.
The Problem of Unanswered Prayer – II
Dr. S. Lewis Johnson concludes his discussion on prayer and God's will regarding the Christian's petitions.
The Necessity of Prayer
Dr. S. Lewis Johnson expounds Jesus' prayer actions, illustrating prayer's fundamental importance in the Christian life.