Posts By: S. Lewis Johnson

S. Lewis Johnson

Importunate Prayer, or Is It Necessary?

Dr. S. Lewis Johnson explains what is meant by importunate prayer as well as the Christian's need to conduct it.

Its Organization – I

Dr. S. Lewis Johnson conducts a series of open discussions with his congregation, Believers Chapel of Dallas, about the operations of that church. In his first lecture, Dr. Johnson explains the central role of bishop or elder in a local congregation.

Its Organization – II

Dr. Johnson continues his discussion of the role of elder in the local church.

Its Spiritual Gifts

Dr. S. Lewis Johnson expounds at length what spiritual gifts are and how they are to utilized in the local church.

Its Priesthood

Dr. S. Lewis Johnson discusses the priestly role of all believers in Christ.

Its Ordinances

Dr. S. Lewis Johnson leads a discussion among fellow believers in Believers Chapel about the ordinances of the Lord's supper and baptism.

Its Meetings and Ministry

Dr. S. Lewis Johnson discusses how a local church executes its services.

Its Discipline

Dr. S. Lewis Johnson comments on what it means to discipline someone in the church involved in blatant sin.

Summary: Advantages of New-Testament Church Order

Dr. S. Lewis Johnson concludes his lectures in Believers Chapel on local church organization with an examination of how the basic New Testament principles of church order provide strength to everyday faith.

The Nature of the Church

Matthew 16:18

Dr. S. Lewis Johnson beings a lecture series on the study of the church. In his introduction, Dr. Johnson notes how church order is a relatively uncontroversial subject compared to other doctrines.

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