S. Lewis Johnson
Paul at Antioch – Biblical Evangelism, part I: Acts
Acts 13:13-25
Dr. S. Lewis Johnson gives a two-part exposition on Paul's first testimony of Jesus in the Jewish synagogue.
Enrolled for Life and Testimony: Acts
Acts 13:42-52
Dr. S. Lewis Johnson gives exposition on the reaction by the synagogue leaders in Antioch Pisidia to Paul's preaching.
Faith Healing at Lystra: Acts
Acts 14:1-28
Dr. S. Lewis Johnson expounds Paul's ministry in central Asia Minor.
The First Apostles’ Creed: Acts
Acts 15:1-12
Dr. S. Lewis Johnson provides commentary on the essence of what Paul and the early apostles believed as the gospel. Dr. Johnson contrasts the apostle's message of grace against the teachings of the Judaizers in the early church.
Gentile Salvation and the Old Testament: Acts
Acts 15:13-21
Dr. S. Lewis Johnson expounds the Council of Jerusalem and the formation of the doctrines of Gentile and Jewish salvation.
Send the Light!: Acts
Acts 15:36-16:10
Dr. S. Lewis Johnson comments on Paul's missionary journeys in western Asia Minor, including the Macedonian Vision.
Invincible Grace, or God’s Heart Surgery
Acts 16:11-15
Dr. S. Lewis Johnson expounds Paul's meeting withy Lydia, the woman of faith in Philippi.
What Must I Do To Be Saved?: Acts
Acts 16:16-40
Dr. S. Lewis Johnson expounds the imprisonment of Paul and Silas and the resulting salvation of their Philippian Jailer.
Paul at Thessalonica, or Triumphs and Troubles of Ministry: Acts
Acts 17:1-15
Dr. S. Lewis Johnson gives exposition on Paul's interaction with the town of Thessalonica.
Paul Preaching to the Intellectuals: Acts
Acts 17:16-34
Dr. S. Lewis Johnson expounds Paul's sermon on Mars Hill in Athens.