S. Lewis Johnson
Anthropology: the Mystery of Man (The Crises of Identity)
Psalm 8: 1-9
Dr. S. Lewis Johnson provides biblical answers to the question, What is man?
Man and His Origin (The Creation of Man and the Problem of Evolution)
Dr. S. Lewis Johnson provides an in depth comparison of the creation account and the basic assumptions of evolutionary theory.
Man in His Nature, part I
Psalm 42: 1-5, various
Dr. S. Lewis Johnson gives the first of a two-part series on the nature of man, Dr. Johnson discusses the concepts of a dichotomus and trichotomus nature.
Man in His Nature, part II
Dr. S. Lewis Johnson continues his examination of the Scriptures' description of man's nature. Dr. Johnson comments on the sanctity of life.
Man in the Image of God
Dr. S. Lewis Johnson comments on man's likeness in the image of his Creator.
Man in His Probation
Genesis 2: 8-17
Dr. S. Lewis Johnson gives a careful explanation of man's relationship to God while in the Garden of Eden. Dr. Johnson describes the mystery of man's amissable will.
Man in His Fall, part I
Genesis 3, Romans 5
Dr. S. Lewis Johnson gives a detailed, blow-by-blow exposition of how Satan, using the serpent, manipulated Eve into partaking of the forbidden fruit in the garden, thereby causing Adam, the federal head of mankind, to also disobey God's command.
Man in His Fall, part II (part I of The Nature of Sin in Man)
Dr. S. Lewis Johnson continues his exposition on the behavior of man after his Fall from sinlessness in the Garden of Eden. In this message, Dr. Johnson gives the first of a two-part lesson on the nature of sin in human life.
Man in His Fall, part III (part II of The Nature of Sin in Man)
In his series on man in his fallen state from God, Dr. S. Lewis Johnson finishes a two-part message on the nature of sin in the human heart.
Effects of the Fall, part I (The Imputation of Adam’s Sin)
Dr. S. Lewis Johnson begins his sub-series in Systematic Theology on the effects of the fall of man from sinless fellowship with God.